I've come a long way. Anybody know what a Red Wattle Hog is? I do, I do! How about a Shropshire Market Lamb? Yep, I know that one, too. Denae, the Indiana State Fair Queen, tricked me into eating goat...and I even held a fish! This is big stuff for a city-slicker like me. In fact, I even had the pleasure of riding a donkey with my counterpart, Kris Karol, earlier this week. So now I can officially say..."This ain't my first rodeo!"
But I digress...In the midst of all this fun, the Indiana State Fair staff, along with Indiana Pork and Live Nation, found time to watch the entries for our Go Hog Wild Indiana YouTube Contest. A big THANK YOU to all the participants. With 931 views, the winner is....Big Mikey, Cris, and Little Ham, Addie Goode! Congrats to the Goode family on an awesome YouTube video.
Last night, Mike Platt, Executive Director for Indiana Pork, along with Denae Pyle and Porkchop, presented the $250 check to the Goode family. The runner-up, Amanda Falcone, received The Other White Meat Grill Set.
The best part of the night? I got to see Addie's face as she climbed inside the antique firetruck to lead the Daily Parade...and then...PORKCHOP arrived on-site! Addie waited all week to see her favorite fair friend. Here's a picture from last night; you can see Addie admiring Porkchop.

If you didn't catch the Go Hog Wild video, check it out below or visit the Indiana State Fair YouTube Channel!
Submitted by: Courtney Sampson, Intern

Miss Add is still talking about Porkchop! Thanks for everything!