So, the snow is gone. That should be a good thing, right? Not in my case. The pretty white blanket happened to hide a lot of landscaping flaws, such as my lopsided front garden flowerbed. The entire left side of the bed is so sad where the mums just didn’t quite thrive and I have no shrubs to fill the space. And, on the right side, one mum did thrive, but I neglectfully left it to die a slow death come late fall. Not to mention the fall leaves that have crowded around the rest of the area, wet and slick now with mud and decay. It’s my own fault really…I never clear out the remnants of my summer and fall flowerbeds at the end of season. Frankly, by fall, I’m over gardening and ready to hibernate for the season.
Which brings me to one particular problem…I noticed after the snow melted last week and we had maybe two days of 40-degree weather, my bulbs were budding! What?! I’ve never in my life experienced budding tulips and irises in January! Heck, it didn’t even get that warm. I’m heartsick that all my beautiful bulbs painstakingly planted last year are most likely never going to realize their full potential.
So, what do I do? Well, I’m heading to the Indianapolis Home Show on the 29th for some much needed advice. Maybe I just didn’t bury the bulbs far enough into the ground? Not sure, but I aim to find out. I’m certain all those experts over at the Home Show can help me. And, you know, maybe while I’m there I can get some good landscaping ideas to fill-in that lopsided flowerbed of mine. Oh, and a referral for the exterior paint job I’ve been avoiding for 5 years. The faded paint has rendered our home’s wood trim a lovely shade of pink in contrast with our gray siding. It’s time.

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