So, what can be better than tasty beer, a fun *rowdy* crowd, great music, and some kick-butt roller skating action?! Nothing, really. This is just what you get at the Naptown Roller Derby - now rollin' at the Pepsi Coliseum. These bouts are something to see.
On Saturday, Nov. 7th, I had the honor of seeing these girls in action - a double header titled 'Whip This' - Naptown Roller Girls versus Bloomington's Bleeding Heartland. The first bout pitted the junior-varsity leagues: Warning Belles against the Code Blue Assassins - more like Code RED and BLACK. The Warning Belles beat the Assassins quite handily - final score 124 to 33. A blow-out to be certain.
The second bout was just as pummeling as the first - the veteran Tornado Sirens came out like gang busters - skating their striped socks off. That final score was a loaded 121 to 34. I gotta admit - I was expecting more romping action - girls tumbling into each other and innocent bystanders. We even sat in the coveted "Suicide" seating - right at the perimeter of the track - to no avail - no one even came close to being taken out. Ok, that's probably fortunate. Apparently, when the bouts are a little more...competitive...they do get a little less *friendly* - more testosterone-charged shoving and pushing to get ahead.
I will definitely go again - maybe even bring my 6 year old - she would dig the crowd and face paint - and probably a temporary tatoo or two. Check them out for yourself - next home bout is a double header, December 5, at the Pepsi Coliseum against Burning River! Live a little - sit in the suicide seating and just roll with the punches!

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